International Traveling Tips

International Traveling Tips (ITT) provides real-world assistance to millions of migrants worldwide. We also strive to raise awareness regarding immigration and travel issues that can result in overstayed visas, illegal border crossings, deportation, and other problems leading to legal and financial crises for migrants.

The goal is to safeguard our clients and help them avoid the difficulties numerous immigrants face throughout the world. Our team of external specialists and attorneys collaborates with government agencies worldwide to benefit both travelers and local governments.

How can you, as a traveler,
gain benefits from ITT?

Any traveler or immigrant may face substantial travel issues, including the loss of documentation, unmet requirements for Visas, and the possibility of deportation. The ITT team helps these individuals navigate through immigration and travel issues in the following ways.

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Have you ever worried about being detained in a country where you don’t know a single soul who can help you? Even if you do, you don’t have to worry about a thing. Why? Because we are here! We have worked in this industry for several years and have encountered similar situations. Under our protection, you won’t ever find yourself in such situations in the first place. But even if you do, we promise to compensate with whatever is possible, which includes paying for the first legal expenses for detention and providing consultation services. We know the lengths detainees have to go through, so having information about the immigration jail arrests that prevent you from legal counsel, we hope to provide you with everything needed.



Travel is all about relaxation! No one wishes for a hectic holiday. So, if you get detained while traveling rather than chilling in a club or a hotel, you’re bound to be devastated, especially when there’s no one to cater to you. Detention requires immigrants with immigration bond eligibility, a sum of money posted on their behalf, and reimbursed. However, not every detained immigrant is blessed with this type of bond. There is one way, however. If you join ITT, we can provide you with this service by paying immigration bonds online and getting an immigration bonds refund.


Every individual who goes through the process of deportation has a challenging experience, but it may be more challenging, especially for immigrants with little access to financial resources. As a result, we offer all deported ITT members pocket money to help cover the deportation costs. Deportees who get financial support may find it easier to comply with their commitments and avoid potential legal issues. ITT prevents you from several deportation cases such as gun crimes, domestic violence, crime of moral turpitude, drug crime, aggravated felony and also keep you away from untrustworthy immigration attorneys.

Mission Statement


Vision Statement

International Traveling Tips provides a one-of-a-kind online solution for travel and immigration problems, offering the kind of real-world advice and upfront money millions of people desperately need at any given moment around the world, as well as offsetting the costs and hassles of immigration cases.

International Traveling Tips (ITT) is a new online portal, where through subscriptions or one-time fees travelers globally can have access to vital services such as:

  • An immigration attorney: ITT pays initial attorney fees while in detention
  • Immigration Bond fees for immigration jail: Applicant is not eligible if convicted of a felony or other serious crimes (rape, armed robbery & moral issues, etc.)
  • Deportation pocket money: $5,000 is provided if client is deported

Immigrants who come to America or any other country without inspections from the immigration authorities have to contribute a fee of $75 every month to benefit from ITT’s programs. Clients must also pay a one-time fee of $150 in an American embassy, 150 € in any European embassy or high commission, 150 pounds in the UK, and US$150 equivalent to any other country in the world when shown receipts as proof of payment to consulates and embassies worldwide before obtaining their travel visa.

This important work will help countless immigrants and travelers around the world while simultaneously benefitting governments in the U.S. and internationally. ITT will be providing substantial work in the ever-present issue of taking care of immigration cases, including deportation pocket money and detention, anywhere in the world.

ITT, as noted, will have a team of immigration lawyers and counselors. This will allow the Company to:

  • Gain power of attorney for clients, thus allowing ITT to retrieve the belongings, if their belongings aren’t already destroyed
  • Contact all international and local banks in order for the deportees to cash checks within their country using their travel documents


ITT is unlike all the other agencies that only help you with travel difficulties! Wondering what makes us different? We do not only care about what will benefit us. At ITT, we believe in a fair and reasonable immigration system that is efficient and user-friendly. You will never be denied access by becoming a member of International Traveling Tips. Even if you want traveling organization tips, we are here to serve you! ITT isn’t just a separate venture; we also closely collaborate with government, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations. Last but not least, our mission is to broaden your access to legal guidance where respect for human dignity, human rights, and the rule of law are kept in order.

What is the purpose behind ITT?

Don’t you think traveling is a part of life? Many of you may travel yearly, while the rest desire to travel but are afraid to do so. Unfortunately, International traveling and immigration come with a broad range of complex processes.

Your journey may start with a mindset of enjoying a stress-free holiday, but you never know when and where you can fall under the trap of these complications. Starting a new life sounds like a road with thousands of hurdles. You must be aware of the stories of families and communities torn apart by a complex web of incomprehensible regulations, overworked remote work culture, or an unpleasant atmosphere. Therefore, ITT has decided to turn the tables by blessing the aiding immigrants and creating a worldwide climate where you no longer need to suffer due to travel difficulties. We also strive to ensure that immigrants feel comfortable and accepted and you travel without care.

Immigrants and Travelers’ Assistance

ITT is not a common internet platform! Its uniqueness is visualized by its out-of-the-way assistance that helps migrants like you with travel and immigration difficulties. Our multinational team of advocates and other professionals are enlisted to cater to you, addressing concerns regarding traveling issues. If you become a member of ITT, you can expect the following benefits;

  • No matter where you travel, you can quickly get assistance.
  • Strategic help to devise a plan of action to meet your goal.
  • Assistance with your basic legal rights and obligations.
  • Prevention of any immigration-related issues worldwide, even in the United States.
  • Financial help for immigration consultant bond with immigration bond refund.
  • Allocation for a one-time pocket money payment to assist with deportation expenses.

Now that you are aware of how ITT works, allow us to assist you in avoiding unforeseen travel and immigration complications. That’s not all! We also provide traveling tips and tricks. You could reach your dream destination by becoming a member of ITT and availing the tips for traveling on a budget. Please don’t hesitate to contact our team of experts and lawyers for more details about our services or to discuss your different preferences. We can guarantee you will not regret your decision to join us!