
When Does a Traveler or Immigrant Need an Immigration Lawyer?

immigration laws in the United States are complex. Suppose you are immigrating to the US or are an undocumented immigrant in the country facing detention and deportation. In that case,  you need an immigration lawyer to deal with traveling issues, including visas, US citizenship, and immigrant rights. This is why you need to be aware [...]

What Immigrants Should Do If They are Detained by the ICE

It’s unfortunate that many undocumented immigrants in the United States are unaware that even they have certain rights. As an immigrant, you might have fewer rights if you are stopped at the border or detained at an airport. However, if you have been apprehended by Immigration and Customs Enforcement at home, at work, or on [...]

Reasons Why We Need to Fight for DREAMers

Ten years ago, Barack Obama created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA) as a measure to protect the countless scores of undocumented youth immigrants facing increased insecurity in the country. To date, the program has benefited over 800,000 DREAMers, saved them from deportation, facilitated them to seek employment, and helped them get access [...]

Impacts of Immigrant Detention on Mental Health

“How does immigrant detention impact mental health?” This question has been on the mind of every refugee and migrant. After all, getting sent to a detention center by the authorities of their host country is a far too commonly experienced aspect of being an asylum seeker. As one would expect, spending days or months in [...]

How the United States Immigration System Works

The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) governs the U.S. immigration policy. It is based on four guiding principles: family reunion, refugee protection, valuable talent procurement, and promotion of diversity. The current legal immigration system includes two main visa categories: permanent (formally known as an immigrant) and temporary (non-immigrant) visas. Thousands of people travel to the [...]

A Basic Guide On What To Do If Law Enforcement Asks Your Immigration Status

Whether you are a documented or undocumented immigrant, you have certain guaranteed, undeniable rights under the constitution. If you are an undocumented immigrant stopped by a law enforcement officer for your immigration status, there are a few tips that you need to follow. How To Reduce Risks To Yourself It is no secret that immigration [...]

7 Difficulties Faced by Immigrants and Refugees Worldwide

In a world that prides itself on being hyper-connected and united in the face of calamities, immigrants and refugees continue to face calamities often ignored by the rest of the world. They leave their homes to pursue a better, safer, and more secure life, yet they have to face new challenges that leave them feeling [...]

What You Need to Know about US Immigration Detention Policy

Currently, different countries around the world are suffering from the aftereffects of war, famine, and unfair distribution of resources. These factors have resulted in extremely poor living conditions for the people residing in different cities of these countries. Therefore, left with no other choice, these people make great efforts to migrate to other countries in [...]

What Would the DREAM Act Do?

Millions of undocumented immigrants, known as Dreamers, live in the United States without legal status. The DREAM Act, a set of proposed laws, might address this issue by providing Dreamers with a path to legal status and, eventually, citizenship. The DREAM Act has never been signed into law since 2001. At least 11 versions of [...]

4 Reasons Why Every Immigrant Requires Services of an Immigrant Lawyer

Immigration to any new country is tedious, time-consuming, and complicated. Your application will go through a high level of scrutiny and numerous pass-through checks before confirmation. Not only is the visa application cycle exhaustive, but living as an immigrant requires you to be on your toes too. One of the first things you need to [...]