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For Equitable and Fair Treatment of Immigrants

Looking for qualified legal and financial immigration assistance?

Join ITT

Who We Are

ITT is a global organization that employs immigration attorneys and specialists that are highly skilled and have years of expertise in the field. They are dedicated to protecting the legal rights of travelers, immigrants, and people seeking refuge. In close collaboration with governmental, intergovernmental, and non-governmental organizations, our mission is to provide economic and legal assistance to travelers who cross international borders worldwide.

Every Immigrant Has Constitutional Rights

At ITT, we believe that immigrants have constitutional rights. It doesn’t matter if it’s documented or undocumented. The law is here for everyone. Some of these rights include:

  • The right to due process
  • The right to legal counsel
  • The right to be with your family
  • The right against unreasonable searches and seizures

As an organization that strives to support immigrants and travelers, we assure you that we will strive to work hard and provide the best of our talents to make sure you’re a recipient of a fair hearing. As a member of the ITT, you can receive funding and legal guidance from us, since we firmly believe that everyone is entitled to immigration bond eligibility, and we are here to help you with it.

Where Can I Find an Attorney for an Immigrant Detainee?

Our mission is to find qualified and experienced legal representation for immigrants facing
issues in their immigration process.

With ITT, immigrant detainees can benefit from:

Understanding their legal rights: You will have access to legal counsel through ITT, who will inform you about your rights and responsibilities as an immigrant detainee.

Access to an immigration lawyer: We will pay the upfront costs of your attorney while you are in detention.

Immigration bond fees: ITT may deposit a bail bond on your behalf if you have not committed any significant offences and have been detained by immigration authorities.

Deportation allowance: Authorization for deportation: In the event that you are removed from the country, we will pay $5,000 to help cover your living expenses.

And many more benefits!

Let Us Help You!

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