Reasons Why We Need to Fight for DREAMers

Reasons Why We Need to Fight for DREAMers

Ten years ago, Barack Obama created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA) as a measure to protect the countless scores of undocumented youth immigrants facing increased insecurity in the country.

To date, the program has benefited over 800,000 DREAMers, saved them from deportation, facilitated them to seek employment, and helped them get access to high-quality education, opening doors for immigrant youth to build a fulfilling life in the US. All these hopefuls come to America from different backgrounds with the promise of a better tomorrow. Naturally, the first thing someone traveling from so far away will need to learn is how to travel on a budget. Such information can be vital, especially for those who come from such a diverse pool of economies and living standards.

However, despite its importance to the immigrant community, the program remains under threat, which is why millions of people across the country continue to fight for it.

DREAMers have set up their lives in the US

The average age of a DREAMer setting foot in the US was around seven. About 76% of DREAMers entered the US in 2011 or before that. Now, this puts their ages at around 28 years old. It is incredible how these people have started families and careers in the country and contribute positively to society.

DREAMers are an essential part of the labor force

About 85% of DACA recipients are part of the labor force. Throughout the pandemic, DREAMers were disproportionately excluded from getting relief packages, but over 200,000 DREAMers still served as essential workers during these trying times. Some of these individuals have come back and forth from their homeland, which makes it vital for them to know some traveling tips and tricks.

Due to their work ethics and commitment, DACA recipients have experienced a five times increase in their income in the past decade. In addition, these recipients have benefited the national economy as well. In 2019, DREAMers paid $5.7 billion in federal taxes and $3.1 billion in local taxes.

DACA has granted immigrant youth improved educational opportunities

Overall, DACA has resulted in improved access to education for vulnerable immigrant youth. Of these, about 99% of DACA recipients have successfully graduated from high school, while 47% have achieved a college education.

By allowing students to apply to college, DACA has opened opportunities for undocumented youth to get higher-paying jobs so that they may pursue even better standards of higher education. This is their time to turn their dreams into reality which is why anyone who wishes to move to a different it would help if you knew tips for traveling abroad.

DREAMers have lower incidents of crimes than the average citizen

Since the launch of the DACA Program, many fear-mongers have spread false narratives accusing undocumented immigrants of initiating violent crimes, taking undue advantage of public resources, and triggering uncontrollable migration to the southern borders of the US.

However, significant research disproves these claims, and even center-right organizations like the Cato Institute have shared statistics indicating that DREAMers have lower incarceration rates than US-born individuals of the same age and education level. In addition, it’s clear that DACA did not trigger the unaccompanied child migrant crisis; it had begun before the program was even announced.

Immigrant rights groups have advocated for DACA for years in the hopes that it would continue providing much-needed protection to vulnerable undocumented youth so they can live their lives like any American child. DREAMers deserve much more than temporary relief or living with the fear that the DACA Program will be abolished some day before they or their loved ones have had a chance to apply for citizenship. The country must continue to fight for the rights of these disadvantaged groups. DREAMers can come from any part of the world and have diverse backgrounds, which is why anyone can need any advice. For instance, tips for traveling with kids, tips for traveling women, information on student traveling, and so much more.

How ITT Can Help DREAMers

Since DACA was formed, its position has remained precarious in the United States. With every new government and change of administration, there is a risk that the program may be abandoned. And with it, the dreams and hopes of countless undocumented immigrant youth will be left to dust.

A case can be made, for example, for the Trump government, which sought to abolish the program in 2017. Fortunately, the decision was overturned by the Supreme Court at that time. However, the issue can quickly be brought up again when the elections for the new government begin.

Hence, immigrants must consider the ITT so that they may have some legal and financial coverage if worse comes to worst.

ITT is an international body designed to provide immigrants with legal and financial guidance. We have a team comprising experienced and qualified immigration lawyers and specialists fighting for the rights and equal treatment of travelers, immigrants, and migrants and helping them gain their fundamental freedoms and dignity in a foreign country without living in fear.

We provide individuals and their families with monetary assistance for hiring lawyers who can fight their cases, facilitate legal guidance, and provide an essential allowance for deportees who arrive in a foreign country with no funds or assets.

To know more about ITT, visit